All our latest news and information

Cast announced for The Father

We're pleased to announce the cast for our production of The Father by Florian Zeller (translated by Christopher Hampton) which will be staged next spring: André - Jerry Smith Anne - Laura Turner Pierre - Harry Petrie Laura - Bianca Hutchings Man - David Hitchings...

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Play readings update

Many thanks to everyone who came along to read Present Laughter by Noël Coward this week. We had a very enjoyable evening, even though we only got two-thirds of the way through what is quite a long play! Our next two play readings will take place on Tuesday 4th June,...

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Auditions for Educating Rita

Our autumn 2024 production will be Educating Rita by Willy Russell, and open auditions are taking place soon! There will be an audition at 7.30pm on Tuesday 21st May 2024 at St Mary Le Wigford church hall, next to Lincoln railway station.  Everyone is...

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Play reading: Present Laughter

The first in our summer series of play readings (just for fun) will take place on Tuesday 7th May at 7.30pm in the function room upstairs at the Victoria pub, Union Road, Lincoln LN1 3BJ. The first play will be Present Laughter by Noël Coward, which was recently...

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Auditions for The Father

Our autumn 2024 production will be The Father, translated by Christopher Hampton from the original by Florian Zeller. Our Chairman Jez Ashberry will be directing for the first time in ten years! We will be holding an open audition at 7.30pm on Tuesday 16th April 2024...

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Company meeting – all welcome!

We'll be holding a company meeting upstairs at the Victoria Pub in Lincoln on Monday 26th February 2024, starting at 7.30pm. These meetings are an opportunity for members to discuss forthcoming productions and for newcomers to get to the know the company! Items on the...

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Dark Sublime cast anounced

The cast for our next production - Dark Sublime by Michael Dennis - has been finalised. Thanks to everyone who gave their time to attend the auditions, and commiserations to those who didn't get a part. The cast is as follows: Marianne /...

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Auditions for Dark Sublime

Auditions for our next production, Dark Sublime by Michael Dennis, will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th October and on Wednesday 18th October at St Mary Le Wigford Church, Lincoln LN5 7EQ. When Oli arrives at now-forgotten sci-fi icon Marianne's door, they are...

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Future productions

At our annual meeting on 26th July we decided what our next productions will be. In April 2024 Vicky Ashberry will direct Dark Sublime by Michael Dennis, while the following September Jez Ashberry will direct The Fatherby Florian Zeller, translated by Christopher...

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