Julius Caesar
by William Shakespeare
26th-28th April 2007
Drill Hall, Lincoln
Our most ambitious production to date was also our first collaboration with another theatre company: in April 2007 we joined forces with the Lincoln Shakespeare Company to stage Julius Caesar.
Our production was inspired by the American TV drama series The West Wing – in our Roman republic besuited senators (male and female) dashed here and there with a mobile phone in one hand and a take-away coffee cup in the other. Caesar himself was shot at close range by a fusillade of handguns; Mark Antony delivered his set-piece ‘Friends, Romans, countrymen!’ speech to an audience of journalists in front of a huge screen relaying his speech live; and our Act V battle scene was a mixture of sound and lighting effects and on-screen TV news footage by reporters in the field.
By combining the acting talents of two companies and by attracting actors from elsewhere we were able to field a very strong cast, including LSC regulars Chas Rodgers and Pete Came as Brutus and Caesar respectively, Richard Wood and Lindsey Slapp as Mark Antony and Cassius and Jo Hollingworth as Brutus’ wife Portia.
We also ended up with a cast of over 30 augmented by ten excitable but enthusiastic extras from the drama course at Lincoln College.
Writing in the Lincolnshire Echo Charlotte Orson saw parallels with Blair, Bush and the war in Iraq (which hadn’t occurred to us, if we’re honest) and described the production as ‘a triumph’.

Flavius | Mala Selvon |
Marullus | Jules Ellis |
Julius Caesar | Pete Came |
Calphurnia | Wendy Tenbeth |
Brutus | Chas Rodgers |
Cassius | Lindsey Slapp |
Casca | Jason Hippisley |
Decius Brutus | Mala Selvon |
Metellus Cimber | Chrissie Hughes |
Cinna | Simon Westerman |
Ligarius | Martin Noble |
Octavius Caesar | Sam Tweed |
Mark Antony | Richard Wood |
Lepidus | Martin Noble |
Cicero | Brian Johnston |
Publius | Luci Preston |
Popilius Lena | David Lintin |
Portia | Jo Hollingworth |
Artemidorus | Jules Ellis |
Cinna the Poet | David Lintin |
Lucius | Tom Bridger |
Soothsayer | Jez Ashberry |
Poet | Stephen Gillard |
Caesar’s servant | Stephen Gillard |
Mark Antony’s servant | Zoe Rietti |
Octavius’ servant | Julie Catterson |
Messala | Simon Westerman |
TV newsreader | Julie Catterson |
TV news reporter | Zoe Rietti |
Caesar’s security | Stephen Gillard, David Lintin |
Coffee shop girl | Emily Norman |
Plebeians | Tom Bridger, Simon Westerman, Luci Preston, Martin Noble, Sam Tweed, Jez Ashberry |
Press | Tom Bridger, Julie Catterson, Sam Tweed, Stephen Gillard, Zoe Rietti, Jez Ashberry, Brian Johnston |
TV crew | Andrew Deptford, Katie Child |
Barmaid | Emily Norman |
Extras | Yonnick Pastoor, Kyle Keeley, Dan Smith, Laura Brown, Michael Whaler, Kirsty Haynes, Dan Hopkinson, Lianne Douglas, Charne Smart, Dan Swarbrooke |
Director | Jez Ashberry |
Stage Manager | Graham Botterill |
Lighting design | Martin Maplethorpe, Samantha Berry |
Sound and light | Samantha Berry |
Sound effects | Simon Ashberry |
Costumes | Vicky Ashberry |
Props | Vicky Ashberry, Emily Norman |
Set construction | Ian Smith |
Front of house | Su Toogood, Carolyn Jones |
Publicity | Pete Came |
Programme | Pete Came |
Poster design | Pete Came, Jez Ashberry |
Logo design | Roy Simpson |
Armourer | Chas Rodgers |
Video production | Neil Kendall, Zoe Rietti, Andrew Deptford, Katie Child |
Photography | Rea Mulligan |